Genre: Fantasy
Worldcat Summary:
A wealthy sorcerer's invitation to sing with his automaton leads seventeen-year-old Nimira, whose family's disgrace brought her from a palace to poverty, into political intrigue, enchantments, and a friendship with a fairy prince who needs her help.Bookskoetter Rating:=3/5
Bookskoetter Review:
I actually finished reading this book about a three weeks ago, and am just now reviewing it. When I was reading the book, I remember finding the plot interesting and fairly fast-paced. However, now that I am actually reviewing it, I am having a difficult time truly remembering what it was about. This is partly due to the fact that I read four books in one week (I was sick with the stomach flu during Thanksgiving Break). Another factor, however, is that while the book was good, it wasn't particularly memorable. I would recommend it to fantasy fans, especially those that aren't necessarily interested in classic fantasies (dwarves, elves, etc...), but who enjoy books like Fire and Graceling by Kristin Cashore.
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