Audience: Young Adult
Genre: Murder Mystery
Worldcat Summary:
Eighteen-year-old Christopher, who plans to be a spy, learns of a murder cover-up through his summer job as a morgue assistant and teams up with Tina, a gorgeous newspaper reporter, to investigate, despite great danger.Bookskoetter Rating: 3/5
Bookskoetter Review:
I don't usually read mysteries, but I actually enjoyed this book. While it didn't keep me on the edge of my seat, I imagine that if mystery was my favorite genre, I may have been more captivated. I found John Ford's writing to be surprisingly fresh, creative, and edgy. I found that John C.c Ford's well-crafted writing grabbed my attention more than any other feature in his novel. I would recommend this novel to any teen who is craving a good mystery.
I don't usually read mysteries, but I actually enjoyed this book. While it didn't keep me on the edge of my seat, I imagine that if mystery was my favorite genre, I may have been more captivated. I found John Ford's writing to be surprisingly fresh, creative, and edgy. I found that John C.c Ford's well-crafted writing grabbed my attention more than any other feature in his novel. I would recommend this novel to any teen who is craving a good mystery.
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