June 18, 2011

POTTERMORE + New HP Trailer!

Since my last posting, a new trailer has been released for the upcoming Harry Potter movie! AMAZING!  I can't stop watching it.  Can't wait for it to come out!  July 15, I await thee!

Apparently I have been kayaking too much this week (being off in the middle of nowhere means that I cannot learn about Potter news), because I learned about Pottermore from my brother this evening at dinner.  Apparently, on July 15 J.K. Rowling published a website (see full story here) which has a picture of two owls, the words, "Pottermore," a link with a countdown until J.K. Rowling makes an
announcement" (currently we are 4 days, 7 hours, 33 minutes, and 12 seconds away) and J.K. Rowling's signature.  There is a lot of speculation (just google "Pottermore") as to what it could mean, but Rowling's publisher has made clear that it is not a new book.  Oh my geek, I am so curious!  What could it be?

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