Genre: Realistic
Worldcat Summary:
After getting in trouble yet again, popular high school senior Liam, who never seems to live up to his wealthy father's expectations, is sent to live in a trailer park with his gay "glam-rocker" uncle.Bookskoetter Rating: 3/5
Bookskoetter Review:
I found King of the Screwups to be a refreshing read that battles stereotypes head-on. After getting in trouble yet again, the protagonist, Liam, is sent from his father's huge mansion to live with his gay uncle, who lives in trailer in a tiny city in the desert. While staying with his uncle, Liam works through a lot of his issues, and realizes that he is nothing like his father, whose expectations he has been trying to live up to for his entire life. At the beginning of the story, I felt flat-out annoyed by Liam, but I found myself rooting for him by the end. While I don't see this book winning the Gateway award this year, I would still recommend it to any teen that enjoys realistic fiction and who is annoyed by stereotypes.
I found King of the Screwups to be a refreshing read that battles stereotypes head-on. After getting in trouble yet again, the protagonist, Liam, is sent from his father's huge mansion to live with his gay uncle, who lives in trailer in a tiny city in the desert. While staying with his uncle, Liam works through a lot of his issues, and realizes that he is nothing like his father, whose expectations he has been trying to live up to for his entire life. At the beginning of the story, I felt flat-out annoyed by Liam, but I found myself rooting for him by the end. While I don't see this book winning the Gateway award this year, I would still recommend it to any teen that enjoys realistic fiction and who is annoyed by stereotypes.
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