November 22, 2011

The Last Summer of the Death Warriors by Francisco X. Stork

Audience: Young Adult
Genre: Realistic Fiction

Worldcat Summary: 
Seventeen-year-old Pancho is bent on avenging the senseless death of his sister, but after he meets D.Q, who is dying of cancer, and Marisol, one of D.Q.'s caregivers, both boys find their lives changed by their interactions.

Bookskoetter Rating:=2/5

Bookskoetter Review: 
For some reason, when I saw the cover and title of this book, I was expected something akin to "The Last Samurai."  I was way off.  Again, I didn't hate the book.  I just didn't love it.  It's possible that I am so tired of realistic fiction that I would rate anything realistic low.  Who knows?  (On a side note, can I say how ready I am to read some amazing fantasy / sci-fi / dystopian novels?  I am getting ready to start an audiobook called Incarceron by Catherine Fisher, which I have heard is awesome!  Can't wait!).  Back to the point, I didn't find the plot particularly imaginative or believable.  It took me almost a week and a half to read this book - not because it was long or complex, but because it just didn't capture my interest.  I think that teen readers that enjoy realistic fiction about people persevering in difficult situations may find this hopeful read more enjoyable than I did.

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